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Report on the BPM 2023 Election Debate

Watch our videos of the event:

The BPM Election Debate was a great success with an audience of 50 in the hall and 75 online listening to our panel of party spokespeople outlining their party's policies on media and broadcasting.

The absence of Melissa Lee for the National Party was notable, particularly since this was the only election debate on media policy to be held this election, and the event was held in her electorate of Mt Albert. image-20231003095954-1.jpeg

The panelists who did attend spoke on a broad range of topics including:

  • Industry support via the Screen Production Rebate
  • Civics education
  • Artficial intelligence
  • Sustainable funding
  • Media quotas

The debate was preceded by the David Beatson Memorial Address, given by Myles Thomas on the subject of a Media Levy to sustainably fund locally produced public media. You can read the speech notes here.

It was a great night and we extend our thanks to the BPM trustees for creating a successful in person and online hybrid event, and especially to our panelists:

  • Hon Willie Jackson - Labour Party List candidate, Minister for Broadcasting and Media
  • Ricardo Menéndez March - Green Party candidate for Mt Albert
  • Jenny Marcroft - NZ First candidate for Kaipara ki Mahurangi

*Image David Robie/AsiaPacificNews


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